Thursday, January 21, 2010

too dark

This morning I walked outside just before 5am. Darkness. You know the darkest of night, just before sunshine time. I just stood on my front porch staring into nothing. I decided it best to sprint to my car, just in case boogie monsters are real! I got to my car, jumped in and locked the doors…whew made it! In the safety of my car I let the peace of the dark morning settle over me. Quiet. Wonderful.

On the drive, I began to pray for those in my life that are in the darkness. Are you there today? Maybe in the darkness of not knowing Jesus, the darkness of a stronghold, the darkness of bad health or maybe the darkness of confusion… whatever your dark moment might be this day … hold steady. Stop fighting the darkness and look closely. There is something awesome shining through the blackest of nights. His light. Today if you are searching for the light and you are certain it has left you….look one more time. He is in the midst of that darkness. Take that bold step toward the only One who can give you the light you need so desperately. He will not fail you. Hold on sweet one….the darkness is coming to an end.

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