Monday, November 15, 2010


This morning on the way to work I was listening to Christmas music....yes I am one of "those" that already has her tree up!! One of my favorite songs is by Point of Grace. The song is about Mary and Joseph. Joseph tells Mary that even though the journey seems long and the goal unattainable, they are not that far from Bethlehem....

Today of your journey seems too hard, too long and too encouraged. You are not that far from Bethlehem. Your hope will be realized soon....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last night as I was cooking dinner, I heard the girls playing. I looked over and saw Lily washing Claire's feet. Then Claire said "my turn!" and she washed Lily's feet. Although they did not know, they were presenting the sweetest picture of God's love. I wondered how long it has been since i have taken the time to wash someone else's has been way too long

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Last night the girls and I were driving home. Lily yelled "look mama!! Look at those city lights!" She was seeing the lights from Lawton. I love that she is fascinated with the city! *gets that from her mama*

God is really trying to make me understand that His life, His will are better than mine. Like lily being fascinated with a glimpse of the city lights....that is what we are living. On our very best days we see only a glimpse of what He has planned for us.  If you are in a place of doubt in your heart, I understand. Let's pray together and learn that the lights of His city shine in a way that can never be hidden if we allow ourselves to see them!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Last night we sat down to dinner and I had cookies baking in the oven. After Lil ate she asked for dessert. She wanted candy. John explained to her that if she would wait just a few minutes, the good dessert would be ready. She had a hard time with this and slumped in her chair while she waited most impatiently! When the cookies were done we all had one (or three)! She said "I love warm cookies!" Claire exclaimed "I waited!!" it was a sweet moment!

This morning as I prayed I thought about all the times I don't wait. I want the instant gratfication. Don't wait foe Gods perfet plan or will. I want what I want when I want it. If I do wait on His plan I do it slumped in my chair. If you are waiting on His direction, hold fast. It will be worth the wait...
"for I will do a work in your day which you would not believe even if it were told to you" Habakkuk 1:5

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scary part

Last night Lily was watching Beauty and the Beast while I was cooking dinner. There is one part that scares her so we always fast forward through that part. When it got to that part last night I had my hands full when i heard her ask me to skip that part so I said "lily Beth just look away from the movie..." her response " but momma you can make it go away!"

Do any of you feel that today? You know God can make it all go away and you wonder why He hasn't. Trust me His hands are not too fulll for you....keep trusting in Him. Trust Him too see you through the scary part....

Sit down

Yesterday I was doing laundry and cleaning house....getting ready for the busy week to come. Claire said "sit down momma" I attempted to explain the importance of getting ready for a 22 month old! I continued cleaning. After another hour Claire was throwing a fit. I asked what was wrong. She said "sit with ME momma" I did and all was well.

We didn't play, we just sat together. That's all she asked for. And this morning that us all God is asking of me.....sit with Him won't you?