Thursday, January 21, 2010


Last night between work and choir practice, I went to Atlanta Bread to study using fancy WIFI as opposed to my dial up at home! Love fast internet! When it was time to go I gathered my things and headed for the door. There were so many tables between me and the exit. I had to walk around and in between….felt like an obstacle course.

When I got to choir and we began singing, I felt like there was a cap on my worship. I began to pray about why. God reminded me how I had things between me and the exit at the restaurant. He asked gently , “what is between you and I?” I knew there was something. I knew the exact moment it came between my Father and myself. But I still allowed it to happen. Then when I was ready to praise…nothing. I was still singing, but I knew my heart wasn’t right so the praise wasn’t either.

Is there anything between you and your Savior today? Do you feel like there is something hovering over your prayers…your worship…you life? Whatever it is doesn’t belong there…it isn’t worth it. Nothing is worth hindering your relationship with Christ. The gap between you and eternal life has been covered by a cross….surrender today. be forgiven today. What is standing in your way?

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