Thursday, January 21, 2010


So, mirrors can be very unforgiving things wouldn’t you agree? They are not my favorite things in the world. At the gym the walls are covered in mirrors. So, when you are running on a treadmill or lifting weights or just walking around you see yourself. It is kind of a strange feeling. Yesterday I was stretching and looked in the mirror. God prompted me to stop and really look. This is not an easy thing for me. While I do have issues with my physical body after two babies, I see more than the physical imperfections. When I look in the mirror I see every mistake I have made in my life. All my failures piled on me like a horribly mismatched outfit. In spite of myself, I stopped and looked in that mirror. The longer I looked, the more I saw the flaws. As I was about to turn away my sweet Lord said, ‘stay a moment longer. Do you see what I see?’ Sure do Lord…tired, frustrated, discontented momma. Then I let the Lord show me what He sees when He looks at me. He doesn’t see my failures or my sin. He doesn’t see the flawed body. He sees my heart and therein sees His Son that lives in me. Today, when you look in the mirror - - stay a while and give God a chance to show you what He sees. He sees His Son and in that there is no room for imperfection.

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