Thursday, January 21, 2010

to teach

It is that time of year once again…time for a new school year! The time to get excited about newly sharpened pencils, new boxes of crayons and the oh so cool back pack! I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and overheard an interesting conversation between a young boy and his mother. He was giving her the list of reason that it would be best to buy the lunchables with the drinks already in them. His list was impressive, but my favorite reason was the last. “Mom, it would make it much easier on you. You could just grab one of these and not have to worry about packing everything separately” Wow!

Today I would just like to say happy back to school to all the teachers in my life. Today whether you are greeting that sweet 4-year old on her first day of big girl school, or greeting the senior starting their last first day of high school – know that you are treasured. When you see that sweet 6th grader sweating because that locker combination they have practiced a million times, just won’t work - - know you are invaluable to our schools. When you welcome the new kid in school and make him a little les nervous - - know you have answered his momma’s prayer. When you have gone over all the new rules until you are blue in the face - - know you are instilling respectful behavior in all the children that hear you. And when you go to lunch with all the other teachers and you are sharing your story of the day - - know that you are covered in prayer, by someone every moment of your day. Thank you teachers - - you are MORE than you realize.

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