Thursday, January 21, 2010


Friday night I was at the Central High football game….Go Bronchos! We won 60 to 12! I was sitting in the stands and noticed that there were not very many people in attendance. This is usually the case at the end of the season if the team has not done exceptionally well. It made me sad. If the boys were undefeated, the stands would be packed.

On the way home I thought about how my spiritual life is a lot like the Broncho fans. When I first got saved I was so pumped! I was reading my bible ever day, I was praising every chance I got! This didn’t just happen when I got saved. When I hear an awesome sermon that truly convicts my heart and I fall to my knees at the alter….i feel renewed and ready to conquer the world. But then….I dwindle. Life becomes mundane….or life becomes difficult and the praising ceases. The bible reading is replaced by my favorite tv show….and I am back to a half-lived life for Christ.

Does anyone else ever feel like this? I wish I had the magic cure of how to stay passionate all the time. Today I woke up and challenged myself to remember just how awesome the God is serve is. I remembered that He gave His one and only Son for my life. I remember that His Son suffered on a cross for my sin and died asking His Father to forgive me. I remembered that on the third day God looked down at His Son and said arise My Love. And HE DID. He rose from the dead. He is alive today. I serve a RISEN and LIVING Savior. I am praying that each morning I remember how amazing that really is. I pray that I will stand in AWE of the resurrection every single moment. If that is not enough to live a life fully devoted to Christ….i don’t know what is….

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