Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today on the way back to work from lunch, I allowed a car to pull out in front of me. I expected a friendly wave of thanks. You know what I got? Zero. Not even a head bob of acknowledgement. What?! I was so mad. I deserved a thank you for my oh so gracious deed!

You know God did not let me get away with that thinking for too long! First He reminded me in a way that only He can that I live an undeserved life. Any breath I take is a gift. Secondly, He reminded me that any time I expect something from another human, there is a chance I will be let down. We are all people and we all mess up. There was only one perfect one who walked this Earth. Along with His reminders that hold me accountable He whispered gently to my heart reminding me that He has never and will never let me down. I can expect the greatest of great things from my Father and He will always pull through. He always loves me without fail and without condition. Today, go out on a limb and expect to loved with an everlasting, perfect love. You will not be disappointed…

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