Thursday, January 21, 2010

do you see it

So, Tuesday morning brought the drizzle with it! I actually love this kind of weather….although I would love it more if I was at home reading great book!

Last night I got home later than usual, which left me frazzled. I walked into my house and suddenly remembered that a small tornado had hit it earlier that morning. I had to get dinner started right away and Claire was not happy with me at all. My mind was full of frustration and aggravation. I gave Claire her bottle while John got everything out of my car. I cooked dinner with Lily. After dinner, I decided to tackle the disaster that was my house. The more I cleaned the angrier I became. My house is not huge and we don’t have a vast amount of space. So, everywhere I tried to put something, I found the space occupied. Needless to say, by 10:30 last night I was headed for bed in the worst mood.

As I lay in my bed trying to figure out why I was so angry, it occurred to me that my house has too much stuff in it. The more stuff I found the more my mind and heart filled with hatred for my house. All I could see was the smallness of my house when in reality I should have been more concerned with the smallness of my heart. My heart was so full of resentment, anger and frustration that I did not have room for Jesus to show me how blessed I am. I saw the mess instead of the gorgeous tiny girls playing in the mess. I saw the piles of laundry to put away…not the blessing of having clothes. I saw the after dinner dishes…not the blessing of having food to eat. God shows us our blessings abundantly every single day. But, it is our choice to see them. Do you see yours?

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