Thursday, January 21, 2010


This weekend, we had the Living Christmas Tree at church. To say the least, it was fabulous! I had the best time! There is nothing better than standing in a 30’ Christmas Tree singing about Jesus! During one song, we had three wisemen walk down and present gifts to the baby Jesus. It brought tears to my eyes every time I saw it – it was just beautiful. Every time this happened God prompted my heart with this question, “Meagan, what gifts are you bringing to glorify my Son?” I began to make a list of how great I am and all the Godly things I do. As though the Creator actually wanted me to make a list. By the 4th time we sang this song, I had gotten the hint.

The 4th time my heart was prompted, I simply listened. I did not try to answer the question. When I shut my mouth and just listened to my Father, He provided the answer I needed. You see, I usually just give the gifts I am comfortable with. He has given me gifts that I would rather not present because I am not confident in myself. He assured me yesterday that He was not asking me to be confident in my abilities. He was asking me to be confident in His ability to use my gifts to glorify His Kingdom. What are your gifts….are you offering them to His glory every day?

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