Friday, April 9, 2010


This week has been so odd. I have used Lily's glitter- bubble gum flavored lip gloss, John's deoderant, hand soap on my face, foot lotion on my arms, taken excedrin (that has caffeine) instead of tylenol pm, and am currently wearing Lily's hair tie instead of my own. I have been completely scatter-brained! Not to mention that this morning, I found a dryer sheet in my pants....after I got to work. What in the world? Does anyone else feel like this?

I have nothing of great value to say today...just that if you are in a scatter-brained boat with me...let's stop. Take a deep breath and remember that while we may put a baby diaper on our three year old in the middle of the night instead of a pull up....God is never scatter-brained. He is never too tired and He never forgets our needs. Relax in Him for a moment won't you

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