Monday, November 8, 2010


Last night we sat down to dinner and I had cookies baking in the oven. After Lil ate she asked for dessert. She wanted candy. John explained to her that if she would wait just a few minutes, the good dessert would be ready. She had a hard time with this and slumped in her chair while she waited most impatiently! When the cookies were done we all had one (or three)! She said "I love warm cookies!" Claire exclaimed "I waited!!" it was a sweet moment!

This morning as I prayed I thought about all the times I don't wait. I want the instant gratfication. Don't wait foe Gods perfet plan or will. I want what I want when I want it. If I do wait on His plan I do it slumped in my chair. If you are waiting on His direction, hold fast. It will be worth the wait...
"for I will do a work in your day which you would not believe even if it were told to you" Habakkuk 1:5

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